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These four Repeaters are a part of the Northern Tier Repeater System


All our repeaters are "open" and available for use by all licensed amateur radio operators.

Note that our repeaters cover a large geographic area and blankets much of the US Route 6 Highway corridor.


Please operate with courtesy, abide by all FCC Rules and regulations, and observe proper call sign identification procedures.

Enjoy and make use our repeaters !

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Northern Tier Repeater System (NTRS)

KB3EAR  Repeaters

443.300+   PL 131.8  Coudersport, PA   Potter Co.

GE Mastr II  75 Watt  UHF Repeater with a CAT200 Controller
The Remote Base is a Motorola Maxtor UHF Radio
The Duplexers are Motorola and the Antenna is a Hustler G6 at 90' high.

147.345+  PL 131.8  Galeton, PA   Potter Co.

Motorola Quantar Controller 100 Watt  VHF Repeater
The Remote Base is a Motorola Maxtor UHF Radio
The Duplexers are Wacom 641 and the Antenna is a Hustler G6 at 110' high.

146.625-   PL 131.8  Jackson Summit, PA   Tioga Co.

GE Mastr II Controller 110 Watt  VHF Repeater
The Remote Base is a Motorola Maxtor UHF Radio
The Duplexers are Wacom 641 and the Antenna is a Hustler G6 at 70' high.

447.325-  PL 131.8  Wellsboro, PA   Tioga Co.

GE Mastr II  110 Watt  UHF Repeater with a CAT400 Controller
The Remote Base is a Motorola Maxtor UHF Radio
The Duplexers are Motorola and the Antenna is a Hustler G6 at 70' high.

To view a Map of the NTRS repeater locations, Click the button below:

Other Area Repeaters


Location                   County       Freguency    PL Tone   Call Sign

Wellsboro               Tioga            147.060+       127.3    WB3GPY

Jackson Summit     Tioga            443.100+       127.3    N3FE

Jackson Summit     Tioga            146.790-        CSQ     WA3CSP

Oswayo                   Potter           443.575+       173.8    WA3HLC

Ulysses                   Potter           145.430-        173.8    WA3HLC

Coudersport            Potter           146.685-        173.8    N3PC

Trout Run                Lycoming      145.150-        167.9    N3AFX

Sayre                      Bradford        443.800+       100.0    N2EUS

Cedar Mt.                Tioga            145.210-        127.3    NR3K

Wellsboro                Tioga            145.270-        127.3    NR3K

Cedar Mt.                Tioga            147.195-        127.3    NR3K

Blossburg                Tioga            146.910-         DMR    NR3K 





Location                    County       Freguency    PL Tone   Call Sign


Knapp Creek           Cattaraugus  146.850-       127.3   

Frewsburg               Cattaraugus  146.790-       127.3     W2DRZ 
Elmira                      Chemung     443.550+       100.0     N2HLT

Elmira                      Chemung     146.700-        114.8     W2ZJ

Elmira                      Chemung     147.360-        CSQ      N3AQ

Elmira                      Chemung     442.300+       100.0     N2EUS

Elmira                      Chemung     444.900+       CSQ      N3AQ

Elmira                      Chemung     147.360+        114.8    N3AQ

Elmira                      Chemung     444.200+        100.0    KA3EVQ

Corning (CARA)      Steuben       147.015+        123.0    N2IED

Corning                    Steuben       444.350+        123.0    N2IED
Corning                    Steuben       442.150+        100.0    N2HLT

Arkport                     Steuben       147.045+        110.9    N2AAR

Bath                         Steuben       443.550+        100.0    N2HLT

Bath                         Steuben       442.950+         CSQ    KB2WXV

Cameron (KLARA)  Steuben        147.330-         110.9    N2AAR

Keuka Lk. (KLARA) Steuben        445.190-         110.9    N2AAR

If you know of any additional frequencies that should be listed, please email:

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