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NTRS Club Members

This page lists our cherished Members

who help make our club what it is.

Join us by completing the application below

N3JTK - Ryan Giles             Mainesburg, PA    President/Trustee

N2COD - Mike Perry            Austin, PA             Vice President

N3GSR - Sarah Giles          Mainesburg, PA   Secretary/Treasurer

KB3DQP - Wayne Williams  Gaines, PA          Technical Advisor

KB3DLX - Sylvia Williams    Gaines, PA

KB3DOK - Audrey Graham  Osceola, PA

N3BWB - Lee Hoar              Covington, PA 

W3RW - Bob Witmer            Gaines, PA 

ND3O - Denny Colegrove    Wellsboro PA       Tioga Co. ACS Coord.

W3JXO - Brad Snyder         Gaines, PA

K2ZH - Kevin Passmore       Spencerport, NY

NTRS Silent Keys - R.I.P.

Roger Fisher - N3VHC

Bill Merkle - KB3HOU

KB3NPC - Kathleen Merkle

WA3ITZ - Donald Mrozowicz

KB3IBU - Thomas Holcombe

Therese Aigner - KB3RGA

Jim Lucy - KB3RFY

Reita Lucy - XYL

Be a Happy Ham !
Join the N.T.R.S.

If you use the NTRS Repeaters, why not think about helping to support the system?
Joining the NTRS doesn't cost much, you have the satisfaction of helping to keep the repeaters up and running,

and the security that if you need to contact another Amateur Operator, the NTRS will be there!

We're a family oriented group of hams serving Potter and Tioga counties.

With the power, coverage, and friendliness that we provide, the answer is simple - joining the NTRS is well worth the cost!
If you would like to find out more information before joining, please feel free to CONTACT US.


NTRS Membership Application
Please print out and mail form with check, payable to "N.T.R.S."


Call Sign: 




City                                   State             Zip

Home Phone:   (      )       -  

Mobile Phone:  (      )       -  


Website: http:// 


Are you a member of A.R.R.L.?    Yes ___     No ___

Please List Additional Family Members here:

  Name:                                           Call Sign: 

  Name:                                           Call Sign: 

  Name:                                           Call Sign: 

  Name:                                           Call Sign: 


What ham radio activities do you enjoy, modes & bands you use, etc.?




Additional comments:





Annual Membership dues $20.00 per individual.      Total Enclosed:  $ ________          

Please print the completed form and mail form with check, payable to "N.T.R.S."

  2419 Old State Rd
  Mainesburg, PA 16932


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